Krisana (Fallen) [Fred Kelemen, 2005]
Cambridge Film Festival 2006

Along with ‘The Death of Mr Lazarescu’ this, for me, is one of the great finds of the festival. Shot on DV in high contrast black and white, it is a captivating contemplation on guilt and love. This is cinema that takes its time – that completely immerses you in its world. It unfolds in long slow takes with imagery both seductive stark, and a prominent, claustrophobic soundscape.

The story is simple but emotionally complex, with a genuinely affecting twist in the finale. But there is also a wry humour – particularly in a scene stealing moment featuring one character who is surely destined to become one of cinema’s classic world weary detectives.

Kelemen proved to be engaging and articulate in the Q&A following the film. It was mentioned that there will be a retrospective of his work in London in September. It would be wonderful if the retrospective could come to Cambridge as well. I’m sure that there are many like me who are not familiar with Kelemen’s work and who, on the evidence of this film, are hungry to see more.

Mike, BBC, 14 July 2006
