» Synopsis
Béla Tarr - Missing People

Location Halle E at MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
Dates 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 June, 6pm and 9pm

The Wiener Festwochen ist proud to present its first ever collaboration with the legendary filmmaker Béla Tarr.
The production titled Missing People, commissioned and produced by the Wiener Festwochen, will premiere on 13 June 2019, at Vienna’s Halle E at MuseumsQuartier. In Missing People, presented exclusively during the Wiener Festwochen, at the filming location itself, Tarr experiments with a new format in the intersection of film, installation and performance. This comes as the next step on the new path that Tarr has embarked on with his highly acclaimed 2017 exhibition "Till the End of the World" at the Eye Film Museum Amsterdam, after his self-proclaimed retirement from filmmaking.
While formally radically different, Missing People remains consistent with the pursuit of human dignity, characteristic for Tarr’s entire oeuvre. However, it also allows a new perspective on his visual language, by confronting its metaphysical aspect with the actual reality, the physicality of life. Engaging directly with the Missing People of Vienna, Tarr is consciously sacrifying the “purity of aesthetics” his film-work is celebrated for, arriving at the essential ethical foundation of his work. But this is a divergence only on the surface, for, as Jacques Rancière wrote, »the beauty of images … is only the reward for a fidelity to the reality that one wants to express and to the means that one employs in doing so. Béla Tarr never stops hammering out two very simple ideas. He is a man concerned with giving the most precise expression possible to the reality that people live.«
Vienna is the city with the highest quality of living in the world, this was confirmed yet again in 2018. But the city’s immaculate façade made of Habsburg splendour, Sacher torte and snow-white Lipizzaner horses is only half the story. Many inhabitants do not fit into this picture and are hidden from sight owing to poverty and social hierarchies. Working with over 200 participants who belong to the Vienna’s homeless community, Tarr confronts the audience with them, making them see those we have been missing.
Commenting on the project, Béla Tarr had only one sentence to say: »I don’t know what is this. But I know this is surely not a film, not an exhibition, not a theatre, not a concert, maybe it is a kind of visual poem … About the missing people.«

Ady Endre

Sem utódja, sem boldog őse,
Sem rokona, sem ismerőse
Nem vagyok senkinek,
Nem vagyok senkinek.
Vagyok, mint minden ember: fenség,
Észak-fok, titok, idegenség,
Lidérces, messze fény,
Lidérces, messze fény.
De, jaj, nem tudok így maradni,
Szeretném magam megmutatni,
Hogy látva lássanak,
Hogy látva lássanak.
Ezért minden: önkinzás, ének:
Szeretném, hogyha szeretnének
S lennék valakié,
Lennék valakié.

I am no heir, no proud ancestor,
I have no friend, no brother, sister,
I have never belonged,
I have never belonged.
I am, like every human: Highness,
Iceberg, enigma, strange and timeless,
Distant will-o‘-the-wisp,
Distant will-o‘-the-wisp.
But, oh, I can‘t remain unspoken,
I have to bare myself wide open,
Behold me, everyone,
Behold me, everyone.
In all self-torture, in every song,
I want to be loved, to belong.
Belong to somebody,
Belong to somebody.

Translation Peter Zollman

