» Synopsis


Latvia/Germany 2005, 90 min., black/white, 35mm

........................................................................................................................................ One night, Matiss Zelcs, an employee of the Latvian national archive in Riga, notices a woman on a bridge. After passing by her without preventing her suicidal fall into the depths, a sensation of failure and guilt changes his life. He cannot forget her. Driven by a feeling of remorse and the fever of illusion, he roams through the city night and day looking for traces of her existence. This journey through the tumult of his conscience leads him deeper into his own loneliness and the depths of his soul, as he gets more and more entangled in the destinies of the woman and of the people who were attached to her. He finds himself confronted with the pain of yearning and guilt, the cruelty of love and desire, and the search for forgiveness, release and salvation.

» Details
Egons Dombrovskis (Matiss Zelcs)
Nikolaj Korobov (Alexej Mesetzkis)
Vigo Roga (Kommissar)
Aija Dzerve (Alina)
Gundars Silakaktins (Bar-Mann)
Andris Keiss (Alinas Ehemann)
Rihards Gailiss Alinas Sohn)

Regie/Director.....Fred Kelemen
Drehbuch/Script.....Fred Kelemen
Bildgestaltung/Director of Photography..... Fred Kelemen
Kamera/Operator.....Baiba Lagzdina
Kamera Assistenz/Camera Assistant.....Aleksandrs Cerkasins
Regieassistenz/Director Assistant…..Inese Klava
Steady Cam.....Kaspars Brakis, Valdis Celmins
Beleuchter/.....Aleksandrs Cerkasins, Gederts Silins, Dainis Silins
Ton/Sound.....Russlans Gailitis, Ilvars Vegis
Kostüme/Costume..... Lasma Lagzdina, Ilvars Elceris
Maske/Make Up.....Ineta Medne, Dita Hvoinska
Schnitt/Editing.....Fred Kelemen, Franka Pohl, Klaus Charbonnier
Produktionsassistentin/Production Assistant.....Silvija Cibulska, Anitra Velde
Produktionsfahrer/Driver.....Igors Gavrilovs, Vladimirs Timofejevs, Jurijs Dics, Armands Prusis
Produktionsleiter/Production Manager.....Kristians Luhaers
Ausführende Produzentin/Executive Producer.....Laima Freimane
Produzent/Producer.....Fred Kelemen
Produktion/Production.....KINO KOMBAT (Deutschland), Screen Vision (Lettland)
Drehzeit/Shooting Time.....Juli 2004

Kontakt: Kino Kombat Filmproduction, message@kino-kombat.com

